In Finland already 1.5 million Hygiene Passports

April 11/2024

Already 1.5 million Hygiene Passports have been issued in Finland according to the Hygiene Passport -system coordinated by the Finnish Food Authority. Awareness of the necessary food hygiene practices and safe food handling has increased. Many voluntarily obtain the Hygiene Passport, even though food legislation does not require it.

Those working in food sector are required to master the basic facts of food hygiene to make sure they can handle food safely. The correct processing of foodstuffs also significantly increases the shelf life and improves food safety.

According to Finnish legislation, an employee needs a Hygiene Passport if they handle unpackaged perishable food items in a food establishment such as a restaurant, food store or food factory. Examples of easily perishable food items include milk, meat, and fish.

The interest in proper handling of food has increased

The Hygiene Passport -system in Finland has also piqued the interest of individuals working outside the food industry, fostering awareness of food hygiene. People now handle food safely even at home.

Finland’s uniqueHygiene Passport -system was created to promote food safety. The Hygiene Passport -system was developed in 2002, when legislation required food industry companies to guide and train their employees. The system ensures that food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain safe and hygienic practices in their work.

In Finland, there are approximately 1,300 Hygiene Passport Examiners approved by the Finnish Food Authority. Annually, around 10,000 test sessions are arranged, resulting in an average of 60,000 Hygiene Passports being issued.

The Finnish Food Authority manages the Hygiene Passport -system and maintains it. The Finnish Food Authority guides and controls the activities of the Hygiene Passport Examiners. Municipal food control officials monitor the implementation of the requirements for hygiene proficiency in the food business operators, such as restaurants, large kitchens, and food factories.

More information on the Hygiene Passport

Further Information

Senior Specialist  Satu Meririnne,
Senior Specialist  Tuula Koimäki,