Chemical analyses

The quality of feed products is analysed regarding to import, export, market control, domestic production control, and primary production control. Our analytical methods are used in the official feed control and are therefore also suitable for in-house control analyses. The laboratory performs analytics to companies, operators, and to the other laboratories.

Prices are carried according to the Finnish Food Authority’s price list.

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Before sending samples to chemical analyses, concur with the contact person on the matter.


Finnish Food Authority analyses feeds for harmful chemical elements (arsenic, mercury, cadmium, chrome, lead, nickel), and nutrients and micronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, iron, selenium, zinc). Such analyses are to ensure that feeds comply with regulations and safety requirements.

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Mycotoxins are poisonous compounds generated by particular moulds. Typically, Fusarium moulds produce trichothecenes and zearalenone whereas Penicillium and Aspergillus moulds produce ochratoxin A.

Generally, feed grains and manufactured feeds are being analysed for mycotoxins. Finnish Food Authority together with Customs Laboratory serve as national reference laboratory for mycotoxins. Finnish Food Authority also contributes to a number of national and international projects for studying mycotoxins.

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Finnish Food Authority systematically monitors pesticides and environmental toxins accumulated in feeds. Monitoring prevents contaminated feeds from reaching animals and harmful chemicals from reaching food.

For the purposes of registering pesticides and the needs of market monitoring, Finnish Food Authority analyses the contents of active substances in ingredients and carry out certain physical tests.

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Finnish Food Authority performs investigations related with the composition and quality of feeds. Feeds are being analysed for main components (moisture, dry matter, protein, fat, ash, fiber). These investigations are part of Finnish Food Authority’s operations as a national reference laboratory.

Contact persons


Page last updated 7/10/2023