FAQ: Impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 on laboratory services

The Finnish Food Authority’s laboratory serves customers also in emergency conditions. The Authority is prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic by prioritising examinations. Emergency conditions may result in delays, but any major exceptions to services will be communicated separately by the Food Authority.

The Finnish Food Authority’s laboratory services are involved in securing food production that is fundamental to society.

Contact persons for laboratory services

Also the services provided by laboratories authorised by the Finnish Food Authority are available in exceptional circumstances. It is advisable to contact the laboratory directly to ascertain the latest situation.

Laboratories authorised by the Finnish Food Authority (in Finnish)

Laboratories authorised by the Finnish Food Authority conduct food, water and animal disease and other examinations for business operators, environmental health care authorities and for citizens. Authorised laboratories are service laboratories mostly in private or municipal ownership.




Page last updated 4/8/2020