Risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis of salmonella in feed and animal production

The salmonella exposure that feeds may cause to production animals will be assessed in the project by exploiting data collected in salmonella control. Feed mixtures and concentrates for production animals as well as raw materials used by mix services and on farms are of special interest.

The goals of the project are to assess
1. the impact of feed control on the salmonella risk in Finland and
2. the costs and benefits of feed management.

Research group

Senior Researcher Pirkko Tuominen (Evira)
Principal Research Scientist Jarkko Niemi (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
Senior Researcher Jukka Ranta (Evira)
Researcher Maria Rönnqvist (Evira)
Researcher Ville Välttilä (Evira)
Researcher Katriina Heinola (Natural Resources Institute Finland)


2013 - 2015


Development Fund Agricultural and Forestry (MAKERA), Natural Resources Institute Finland and Evira

Additional information

Pirkko Tuominen, pirkko.tuominen@foodauthority.fi
Jarkko Niemi, jarkko.niemi@luke.fi

Publications and presentations

International symposium of Salmonella and Salmonellosis, 6-8.6.2016 Saint-Malo, France:
Rönnqvist Maria, Ranta Jukka, Suominen Kimmo, Tuominen Pirkko. Risk assessment of Salmonella in feed and animal production. Presentation.
Välttilä Ville, Ranta Jukka, Rönnqvist Maria, Tuominen Pirkko. Quantitative assessment of Salmonella risk in pig feed chain. Poster.
Heinola Katriina, Niemi Jarkko, Rönnqvist Maria, Tuominen Pirkko. Costs of a Salmonella control program in feeds in Finland. Poster.

EFSA@EXPO: Shaping the future of food safety, together, 14. - 16.10.2015 Milano, Italy: Rönnqvist Maria, Ranta Jukka, Suominen Kimmo, Tuominen Pirkko. Risk assessment of salmonella in feed and animal production. Poster.

Riskinarviointiseminaari 6.11.2015, Helsinki: Rönnqvist Maria, Salmonella sianrehutuotannossa. Presentation.
Eviran tiedepäivä 8.10.2015, Helsinki Ranta Jukka, Rehusalmonellamalli. Presentation..
Eviran tiedepäivä 2014, 9.10.2014 Helsinki: Rönnqvist Maria, Rehujen ja tuotantoeläinten salmonellavalvonnan riskinarviointi ja kustannus-hyöty-analyysi-Rehunvalmistajille tehtyjen kyselyiden tuloksia. Presentation.

Page last updated 3/6/2019